


pg电子试玩网站 implements pro克s that support student success and ultimately 完成学位.  这些课程在大学的每个单元都有: 学术事务, Athletics, 学生事务, Enrollment Management, and Finance. 这些项目 include tutorials, supplemental instruction, living and learning communities, 早期干预项目. 

In an effort to impact the retention of students, the organizational structure at pg电子试玩网站 was modified during the Spring 2010 semester to include 招生管理处.  负责保留的单位被转移了 from other divisions and placed in Enrollment Management under the leadership of a vice-president who has primary responsibility for overseeing the retention efforts 在大学里.  的 units housed in this division include the 保留区办公室, 第一年经验, and the Trio Pro克; units that play a major role in the implementation 支持学生完成学位课程的项目. 

  • 保留区办公室

  • 第一年经验-的 学生的成功 department focuses on the first year experience of students, implementing pro克s that are designed to support the successful transition into 大学. 的 第一年经验 pro克 is comprised of an orientation for new and transitional students, academic advisement/counseling, and seminar-based instruction that will guide the student through the first year of college. 提供的服务 是为了支持留存率而设计的. 学生成功部负责以下工作 保留的努力:
    • Identify at risk students and steer them to the needed service
    • Implement an aggressive pre-registration effort during the fall semester to get students 报名参加春季学期.  这一努力导致了92%的留存率 2011年春季学期. 
    • Teach the first semester and second semester 第一年经验 Courses that all 大一新生必须完成.   这些课程的重点是格兰布林的历史 州立大学,学习技巧和职业规划. 


  • TRIO项目——该项目由美国国防部资助. S. 教育部.  学生 Support Services was first established at pg电子试玩网站 in 1970.  的 pro克 provides opportunities for academic development, assists students with basic college requirements, and serves to motivate students towards the successful completion 他们的高等教育.  目标群体是一年级和二年级的学生 from low income families, first generation attendees, or students with disabilities 证明学术需要.  Pro克 services provided include academic advising, tutorial services, career counseling, mentoring, book loan, computer lab access, disability 服务和文化丰富活动.  pg电子试玩网站服务244人 参与者.
  • 数学诊所- In an effort to improve the mathematical skills and knowledge of students, the Quality 改进计划已实施 数学临床与数学教学技术.  这些项目 are designed to improve student performance in Pre-Calculus I and 微积分二世.  这两项举措都始于2010年秋季. 
  • 大学警察-的 大学警察 sponsors pro克s that support student success.   这些项目 包括酒精意识、脸书安全以及网络犯罪.  新生迎新期间 a representative from 大学 police speaks to the student about maintaining 有利于学习的环境. (http://www.keramicke-plocice.net/police/community.php)
  • Writing Lab-的 Writing Enhancement Lab provides tutorial services to enhance student learning, to improve students’ overall writing skills and to help students have a 更好地理解写作过程.  目前住在系 English in Woodson Hall, 137 students were serviced in the tutorial lab in 2010年秋季.  During 春天 2011, prior to midterm, 51 students were serviced.
  • 体育学术提升实验室-   Originated in January 2009, 的 Athletic Academic Center was created to enhance and promote the potential for each student-athlete to meet and exceed high academic standards and be successful throughout their matriculation at pg电子试玩网站.  的 academic realm includes progress towards degree completion while continuing to 提高毕业率和留校率.   体育学术中心是一个可行的 part of the Athletics Departments and is located in an environment conducive to learning (男子体育馆-西翼/主套房). 此外,还设有学生运动员实验室 the Fredrick C Hobdy Assembly center which is funded through a Grant from the NCAA. 的 Academic Center is comprised of academic support services to include a computer lab and the Gradesfirst software initiative to support the Academic Enhancement Study 大厅/教程充实政策.  这个软件包含了技术进步 to allow a “state-of-the-art” tracking system beneficial to the entire university.  We have verified increased academic performance and higher student-athlete grade point 自使用此软件以来的平均值.
  • 教师教育学生成功倡议-A freshman orientation course for education majors was implemented in 2008-09 and became the first step in using a cohort model to facilitate students’ (candidates’) 学术成就.  的 course not only strengthens skills for success (such as study 技能、时间管理、应试等.),同时也为他们提供了机会 与面临类似挑战的候选人建立联系.  更多的候选人正在会面 适当的年度进度预期.  64名新生申报教育为 a major in the 2009-10 freshmen cohort and forty-nine (77%) in this cohort returned 2010年秋季.  的 2010-11 cohort consists of fifty-three students who declared education 作为一名少校,100%的学生都回来了 春天 2011年学期.    Retention of education majors is impacted by success on PRAXIS 考试.  的 college of Education provides support for preparation for these 考试 through the orientation course, individual tutorials and the PRAXIS laboratory.
  • NCLEX通过率计划 - 的 Nursing 教师 has identified a plan that supports improving the NCLEX scores 由BSN毕业生获得.



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